Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 255

Pretty slow day at work, but it was still a good day. I know tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon is going to be busy as it usually is, so it gives me good practice behind the bar. Fun stuff!

My co-worker showed me his photo album today. He has an old Olympus film camera that his dad gave to him I think. Looking at his pictures made me want to take my film slr's our for a spin one of these days. Not sure when that will be, but some day I'll do that. Should be fun.

I realized the other day that there are people who check out my blog who I wouldn't have guessed check it out. Thanks for reading! These days haven't been particularly riveting, but I'm sure inspiration will strike one of these days. :)

I think I'm going to leave it at that. Take care, all. Love you!

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