Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Day 209

I am trying to upload a video to post on the blog tonight, but it's taking forever, and I want to sleep at some point. I guess I'll just post it for tomorrow.

We had a really fun supper tonight on a roof top patio with my brother and sister-in-law. It was a mix of serious discussion and laughter. I really like roof top patios.

This Friday my wife and my sister and I are heading to Calgary area for the weekend. I'm looking forward to hanging out with my sister and seeing friends of ours who just moved to that area. Also, my wife and I try to get to the Calgary Zoo once a year. Well, at least we have since we were first married. Four years running. Not that big of a deal I suppose, but a little tradition of ours anyway.

I'm going to bed now. The video is uploading to youtube, and I'll link it to the blog tomorrow sometime. Thanks for stopping by. I still plan on doing a few of the things suggested a while back. Should be interesting when I get around to it.

Take care!

1 comment:

Angie said...

The Calgary Zoo is fun! The baby giraffe was a fun highlight when we were there last month. Also we found out that they are building an enclosure for penguins that will arrive in 2012. Might have to go back next year! I bet they would be fun to watch.