Sunday, August 07, 2011

Day 207

Saturday was good. Went for coffee and lunch with my wife at a place called Il Secondo. It's a place I keep forgetting about, then when we're out and about on a Saturday morning in the Broadway area, we remember and get excited and go. They are a bit expensive, but very tasty. Their pastry and baking and coffee and espresso is all quite good. Their pizza is fire baked in one of those old school stone and brick fire ovens. I asked if I could come in and photograph it sometime, and he seemed interested. I took a card, and will email them at some point.

We went and saw Crazy Stupid Love tonight. I really really enjoyed it. Steve Carrell and Ryan Gosling are good together. It was a funny movie about serious things. Seriously one of the best "romantic comedies" (if that's the right genre) I've seen. Afterwards I was giggling to myself at random times as I thought of parts of the movie. I usually never do that.

Well I think I'll go to bed. Church in the morning. I have to be there early because I'm doing the music. Thanks for reading. Take care.

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