Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 139

I've been quite introspective lately, which has been a fairly good experience. I need to take more time to be alone with my thoughts in a quiet place. The temptation is to drown it out with mind numbing television or by going out to somewhere with people or with noise.

Tomorrow I go back to the dentist. I'm actually looking forward to going, as I get the final stage of a big repair done. After this one, I think I'll be done for a while, as the ol' insurance only covers so much per year. I'm not going to lie, I might miss going in a way, because I knew things were getting fixed. They were super friendly and helpful there. No longer afraid of the dentist. I still don't like the feeling of some of the work, but that's not their fault. Anyway, 2 hours on the fun seat (or torture chair, depending on who you are, ;) ), and I'll be done for a while.

Tomorrow afternoon I get to spend some time with a friend who I've been enjoying getting to know and spend time with. He's a photographer who I've been learning a lot from. We're heading to the camera shop and might be going out shooting, or having a coffee, depending on the weather. I'm looking forward to either.

This week we're heading to Edmonton for a U2 concert. I'm not going to pretend like I'm excited. I've never follow U2, ever. I've never purchase (or pirated) any of their songs or albums. The tickets were gifts, and we're going because it's sort of a family thing. I don't like how U2 fans react like I killed a kitten when I say I'm not a huge fan, or that I'm not excited for the concert. I was told today "Oh you'll be a fan after the concert". I reply, "If it's a concert put on by U2, and it's their music, I can't say that I will be. Sorry!" I respect what they've done musically, and can respect a band even if I'm not a huge fan. But I'm more in it for the road trip and to see family. So leave me alone! :)

I think I'll leave it at that. Don't be upset with me, U2 fans. It's not like I hate them or anything. They have one or two okay songs. ;)

Thanks so much for reading. Take care!

ps, if you have a google account, feel free to "follow" me. Link is on the right hand side a little ways down. Later!


Tyler Horton said...

Beauty. I've been a U2 fan for a while but I saw them back in the Briercrest days and was disappointed. Thought Bono was just an old cheeseball and the whole thing was anti-climactic. Still like their music just the same though.

Angie said...

I think seeing U2 in concert would be fun! I am not, however, going to judge you for not liking them. Everyone has different tastes in music and we are all entitled to our opinions about it.

I hope you have a good visit in Edmonton and enjoy the concert as much as you can :)