Saturday, May 07, 2011

Day 116

Jenn and I have been reading small excerpts from a book called Lament for a Son, by Nicholas Wolterstorff. It's basically words a man writes for and about his son, who died at the age of 25 in a mountain climbing accident. Even though Wolterstorff wrote the book for his son, he explains how its meaning and reach have gone beyond the loss of a son, to giving a voice to many kinds of loss.

There was one sentence that stuck out to me as I was reading tonight.

"I lament all that might have been, and now will never be."

That's how I feel at the moment.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Our little boy (18 mos) just got diagnosed with a terminal disease. He has a few years left with us. When we first started trying to figure out what was wrong with him, it was very difficult to let go of the dreams we had for him. But I think, because this was not an accident, that it's a lot easier to rationalize than a mountain climbing accident. This disease did not just develop for him, it's always been a part of him. This was the way it was to be for him.