Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 124

Another day down. It was a pretty full day, and overall a good day.

This morning we slowly got ready and made our way to a "garage" sale put on by the Crisis Nursery here in the city. People donated tons of stuff, and all the money made went toward the Nursery. While we were outside having a snack, a couple showed up and had two wooden rocking chairs. We picked them up right away, and gave one of them away to friends of ours. I've always wanted a wooden rocking chair. It's really nice, and it'll be great for when we have a baby.

My dad surprised me and came into the city today. We went to the Man Show. It wasn't what either of us expected. It was basically campers, hot tubs, and vehicles. No tools or electronics or anything. Well, now we know for next time that it's not worth it. I should say, it was worth it for me, because I got to hang out with my dad, which I don't get to do often enough.

After that my wife and I went to a 1st year birthday party for our friends boy, O. It was good to see people, and to watch him open presents. He was pretty involved and seemed to have a good time. Man was the sun hot today. We were there for about 2 hours, and by the end, I was starting to feel a bit off, so we went home and I fell asleep like an old man for about an hour. It felt good, though.

Tonight we went and played Monopoly with friends of ours. It was a really good time, and I learned how competitive my wife really is. Even on the drive home, she was talking about what could have been different for her to win! I love her so much. Marriage is full of pleasant surprises.

It's probably boring, just reading a recap of my day, but there you have it.

I should get going, since I have to be up early. Thanks for reading. Take care.

1 comment:

garry said...

Thanks for hanging out have me it was great