Monday, May 09, 2011

Day 119

I did a baby photo shoot the other day. It was my first one, and it wasn't perfect by any means. The baby was adorable, and the parents looked great. It was my lack of experience if anything that gave me a challenge. That being said, I'm not upset about it at all, really. That's what it's all about - gaining experience, keeping the good stuff, dumping the bad. It was only a couple of minutes after the photo session while I was driving home when I thought of about 3 more poses that would have been great. When I get focused and nervous, I speed through, and start feeling like I'm imposing. Weird, I know. Oh well. It was a free session, and next time I'll have a few more ideas, and will try to slow down and get the better shot, instead of powering through and and missing some potentially good shots.

I'll leave you with my first edited photo of the baby. It's not pro grade, but hey, I'm not a pro. :)

I'm am a photographer, I am a photographer, I am a photographer. (A little positive self talk)


Thoughts From Me said...

I really love so many of your photos. I am sure your friends will love many of thier pics that you have taken and that is one cute baby. Love how much hair he has - my kids never had this much hair until after their first birthday lol But seriously Jason keep practicing and your self confidence is sure to grow :) Lots of love~

Half n' Half said...

This photo is so cute. It totally captures that ssquishy little newborn feel. I am so glad that you are back into taking photo's because you are really talented Jason. You have an eye for those shots that really capture feelings.

Lynette said...

it's beautiful! If I have another baby you can take all the photos you want of him/her :)

Michelle said...

So glad they got you to take pictures! Those mobile uploads are not doing Gabe justice! This one's gorgeous! I'm excited to see the rest!

Jason said...

Thanks a lot everyone. I really appreciate the compliments. I'm a little self conscious about my stuff, but I'm working on putting myself out there and believing that I can and do do a good job, and can get better!

Jay said...

As I follow my eye through the photo I find it heading right where it should go, back to check the cute little feet and back up to notice the little, nicely out of focus, hand.

Inviting high key image, but not screaming blown out white in your face.

Nicely done.