Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 137

Hey everyone. Before I type anything else, let me know if there's anything you'd like me to write about/comment on in future blogs. I realize that I haven't said my bit on fairness/unfairness from a few posts ago, but it's honestly because I'm a bit lost for words about it. Everyone who commented had me thinking and wondering what to say, because a lot had been said already. Anyway, I'm still planning on saying a couple of words, but smarter people than me already did! :) Anyway, like I said, let me know if there's anything you'd like me to talk about.

Next week we head out for a few days to check out a concert and spend some time with cousins (my wife's cousins, to be technical). It'll be great to see them.

I don't know about you, but I'm really appreciating the green landscape outside these days. I went out with a friend and my dad the other day (my dad had to come in to the city for work, and had some waiting time) on a photo excursion. Even though none of my photos jumped out at me, it was a learning experience. I think I'm going back tomorrow to the same place.

I think that's all I have for now. Hey, I didn't always promise interesting!

Take care!


Tyler Horton said...

I hear you on the green landscape. Since I've basically been living at the hospital with Amy I missed the 'greening' of rural New Brunswick. Surprised Caleb yesterday picking him up from preschool and was soaking in the spring beauty. My in laws live on this magnificent hill overlooking the river valley. I stopped at the bottom of the hill just to admire the expanse of green and dandelions. Beautiful stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason, I appreciate you and your blog.
Heidi Schellenberg

Jason said...

Tyler, I would really like to see your part of the country one day.

Thanks so much, Heidi. I didn't know you were a reader! I hope everything is well with you these days.