Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 68

I watched part of a video of a girl claiming that the Japanese earthquake and tsunami was an answer to her prayer, and that God shook Japan to let them know he was there. I don't know if any of you have seen this video, but that girl is extremely confused. That's all I'll say about that now.

I've been missing my family lately. I wish it was summer or Christmas and we were all together hanging out and having fun. Other than briefly in February, the last time I was with extended family, it was for my grandma's funeral. I'm looking forward to seeing family again, but under more positive circumstances.

Well I don't feel like talking about much else. Thanks for stopping by. Take care.


Jay Nelson said...

I watched part of that video too. . . I actually felt a little sick to my stomach watching it and had to stop. . . It's saddens me to hear people who twist God's word so much and create this horrible thing. . . We should be weeping for those people in Japan and for those that died without knowing Christ. . . I couldn't watch the whole thing.

JustonC said...

Just to let you know, the video was a fake...she's just an internet troll...basically pissing people off for the fun of's a video:

JustonC said...

Crap...doesn't look like the link worked the wanted it to...oh well. If you wanna see something truly horrifying google "Rebecca Black-Friday.
It was good to talk to you on the phone last night, something we don't do often enough...I've been missing being around family too and I'm really looking forward to the summer...I wish we could make it down more often.