Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 199 - Photo Friday

See what I did there? Eh? Eh? Eh? Because the Ph in photo sounds like the F in Friday? Yeah, okay. Just making sure.

Here are a few photos from our trip to B.C. I'll probably post more later.

This my friend Neil. I came up to him pretty quickly, and this is the face me made. I thought it looked pretty good in black and white and with pretty high contrast. We were on the ferry in the way to Vancouver island at the time.
While on the island, we found a beach where for most of the time there we sat on a piece of driftwood and stared at the ocean. This is a piece of the drift wood. I realize the ocean looks pretty crooked. It sort of gives me the sensation that the ocean is being tilted like a giant bathtub and is being drained or something. It's probably just bad technique.
This is Bill, our tour guide at the Kimberly mine site. We weren't super deep underground, but we were underground. This particular room is the refuge room, where the miners would go if the air was unsafe, or if something dangerous threatened the miners safety. Bill was a great tour guide, because he actually worked in those mines for around 30 years.
My beautiful wife at one of the golf courses just outside of Cranbrook. We played in teams of 4, with Texas Scramble rules. That was important to me, because I really suck at golf, and we needed to take the best shot. My wife will admit that she isn't the greatest golfer either, but she hits it straight as an arrow every single time off the tee. It's pretty amazing. 


Angie said...

I think you should call it Photo Phriday, or possibly Foto Friday....

Nice pics though!

Karen said...

Or Foto Phriday

Jason said...

Both very good ideas.