Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 195

My wife and I are going to start walking roughly 5km a few times a week. I don't know when we're going to start...but it'll be soon. I figure it'll take about an hour or just over to walk that much. We'll see how that goes. I would like to believe that I'm not just saying this, and that I'll actually do it, and good things will come of it, etc., but I guess time will tell.

I'm tired now, and want to head to bed. Tomorrow my wife has the day off work, so we're going to the coffee shop for a while so she can study for an exam, and I can finish up some photos that are late getting to people.

That's all I have for now, sorry. Take care.

1 comment:

Jay said...

When we wheel, at about 1.5x normal walking speed, it takes us 1:05-1:10 on a perfectly flat track. Angie's time running that is about 35 minutes. Just FYI. Good for you guys for being active. I'm looking forward to some photos and exercise at the forestry farm tomorrow.