Saturday, July 02, 2011

Day 172

Okay so this one won't be a whole lot longer than the previous two days, sorry. I get busy with family, and by the time I can sit down to write, it's around 1:00 AM and I'm tired.

Tonight we were at my grandpa's house for a fire in the back yard. It's strange being in that house still, since my grandma died this past winter. I love that I still have my grandpa, but today I find myself missing my grandma a great deal. I missed her laugh tonight. I missed her hug and the smell of her cooking. I missed her face. All those things are still fresh in my mind, and I'm thankful for that.

I can see through my tears anymore. I'm going to bed. Take care.

1 comment:

Angie said...

It's tough losing grandparents. Reading your post made me think of the first time I went to Calgary after my grandma passed away. It was so strange....kept expecting her to come around the corner. And I can only imagine how tough it was/is for the spouse left behind. *sigh*