Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 198

Time will not stop for me, ever. It did, however, seem to slow down during our time on the west coast.

On the drive out, I wish I had auto pilot on my car. I could not keep my eyes off the mountains, and the water seeping from rock, and the misty fog in the trees, and every other beauty that surrounded us. Even the smell of the trees and wild flowers intoxicated us as we drove through Rogers Pass, our windows wide open with silly grins.

Even though time will never stop for me, it felt like it slowed down while I was driving past Hope...which, now that I think about it is kind of cool. This is going to make me sound like such a hippie tree lover, but I started to be overcome by the scenery in the drive, and got to thinking about life and all that. Jenn noticed that I was getting teary, and I told her that at first it was because I appreciated the beauty of nature and the scenery so much...but then I started having thoughts about my life and what I'm doing with it and how I fear success and failure at the same time, etc etc. Overall it was an encouraging and hopeful moment...where time seemed to slow down. It basically stayed slow for the next several days, as we continued to enjoy the coast, and our company, and being together there. It was good, and time seemed to slow down.

I wish those moments would come more often. Maybe they could, and I'm missing them. I'll think about that.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Take care.

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