Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 281

Okay, I know that 280 thing was sort of unfair...but I never promised huge inspiring posts...thankfully. That being said, it was a little cheap of me, eh?

I'm feeling less sorry for myself today. From the moment my wife told me my health news, I knew that I would get over feeling sorry for myself...I just needed to go through a process. Feelings come and go/ go up and down pretty fast these days. Sometimes I just need to sit there and pout for 5 or 10 minutes, then I feel better. Today I feel my emotions are pretty level, and I am thinking through stuff in a more positive light. Sorry about my complaining over the last couple of posts, but that's what this is all about, after all. My blog will contain what I want it to contain. Okay, let's talk about something else.

I'm getting super excited for the next few weeks. My wife is nearing the end of the first trimester, and hopefully that will mean she'll start feeling a bit better and more energetic. I know it's not always like that, but I'm hopeful...and so is she. I'm also excited for her belly to start growing. We have reached consensus that she has a bit of a baby bump going on now, but I think she's afraid to say it, because some books say women usually don't start showing till a couple weeks from now. I think everyone is different. She hasn't gained much at all, yet her belly is shaped different than it was before. I say baby bump, and I'm sooooo excited by that. She's going to be an extremely cute pregnant woman. She already is. :)

One more thing that's exciting is that Jenn got in for an ultrasound right on the day she reaches 20 weeks. December 16th. We both want to find out the physical sex of the baby. I don't why, really...we just want to know.

Okay, I should keep on going with the homework. I hope you're doing well! Take care, love you all.


crystal said...

i only found out the sex of my first, i guess there is something about being able to know who to shop for , I tried to find out with #2 but he was to shy to show us

Angie said...

I think I would really want to know the gender of a baby. I am not really good with surprises....and really, it's still a surprise, you just get the surprise a few months sooner....

Are you going to tell people the gender? So they can knit you gender appropriate baby gifts? ;)

Jason said...

I think the reason we want to find out is because we didn't get to find out with our last baby. It has the potential to make it more real, or personal. I hope the ultrasound is quite conclusive, and that the baby isn't too shy.

As for telling people, I'm pretty sure we will. If anyone wanted to knit anything for baby, I wouldn't object at all (whoever that may be ;)).