Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 272

Funny, I'm back in the same chair, writing the same paper. This time, however, the paper is due at 9am, so I have to finish it. My brain seems to be doing everything in it's power to avoid writing, even though I know I need to. I will finish it, but it's a painful process at times, especially when it comes down to the wire like this. I never have worked well when there was no pressure. I need to make that change, because it's not fun to only be able to work under pressure.

Anyway, after this paper is finished, it's on to going through another unit on my web class, then studying for a midterm quiz next week. I am not going to cram for that quiz, so the plan that I will follow is to study on Thursday, Friday, and Monday for sure. Maybe even the weekend after work.

Okay, I have a paper to finish. Thanks for stopping by. The comment board has been pretty quiet these days. I suppose there's just not much to comment on.

Here's a question for you: are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what/who?

1 comment:

Lynette said...

I found that my procrastinating ways were gradually replaced by getting things done early when I realized there's a bit of a rush (and a lot of relief) when you get something done early and have that time to breathe before it's due.

Not dressing up myself but D is going to be a butterfly and L is going to be a chicken :)