Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Day 264

I've been reading a book today that isn't easy to retain. Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it. Good ol' policy textbooks.

I don't know how people read fast. Is it something I'm doing wrong, or can only certain people read quickly and retain information? Is faster reading attainable, or am I screwed? I feel like I waste so much time. Buh.

That was my complaint of the day. It's really not so bad. I can think of many more things that are good than bad.

I'm going to sleep now. I will talk to you all tomorrow. Take care.


Angie said...

I feel like I can read fast if it's something that is fairly easy to read. Light hearted fiction....but text books, they always seemed to take me forever. Especially if I really needed to retain stuff. I think what helped me to retain was taking notes as I read.

Jay said...

I agree with Angie. Let me add that my biggest struggle is keeping my thoughts focused on what I'm reading and not let them wander. Not something you can do without practice, I guess.