Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 279

I think I may have failed my first midterm (or assignment in general) since I started pursuing my social work degree. Failed, or got a bad grade. I studied, but it seems like I studied the wrong stuff. Well, I studied most of what our teacher told us to study, the specifics were all on the exam...stuff I didn't think mattered, instead of the understanding of ideas, concepts, words, etc. It wasn't worth a ton, so should still be able to recover some grades.

I continue to ponder what being diabetic means. I'm sad and angry about it, as i think I mentioned before, but I'm going to fight against being depressed about it.

I haven't had trouble watching what I eat, but it has only been a couple of days. The hardest part for me, I think, is going to be learning how to retrain myself in the emotional eating department. I am definitely an emotional eater. When I'm happy, I celebrate with food. When I'm sad or depressed, I eat food. When I'm angry, I eat. I know I've needed to work on that for a long time.

Thanks for reading again. Love you all.

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