Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 158

I've been thinking about my weight forever. It's always something I've been a bit sensitive about. The older I get, the more I feel how my weight impacts my life. I realize it. I don't need to be told I'm fat. I don't need to be told I should do something about it. I know I do. Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about more and more over the last month or two. Maybe longer, actually.

I'm going to start by basically stopping liquid calories. I'm a sucker for liquid calories. I love juices, iced tea, beer, etc. I am not going to stop drinking beer...but I'll only drink it every so often (like usual...don't worry, no drinking problem here). So, the liquid calories are the first to go. I'm also going to get out and bike this summer. I don't like running, walking is bearable, but I don't like speed walking. Speed walking seems like one of the lamest things ever. It looks more like a booty shaking contest gone wrong.

So there. It's fairly non-committal, but I'm starting by not drinking so much damn sugar and all that. Also, some biking. I'll let you know how it goes. This isn't going to be a weight loss blog...don't worry. It'll give me more to write about, though!

Okay, I'll leave it at that for now. I might write another one today as well. We'll see. I'm trying to record some video for a vlog later, but I'm to bloody shy to do that in public places.

Thanks for reading, my friends. Take care!


Angie said...

I have heard that liquid calories can make a huge difference. I am sure if you cut out that alone you will notice a difference.

I like your description of speed walking. I have seen people out on the Meewasin trail doing it, and I have to bite my tongue to keep from giggling. However, I think they can speed walk faster than I 'run', so maybe I shouldn't be laughing...

Jason said...

Well, I think you can still giggle, because even though they're fast, they still look crazy.

Jay said...

Good job! Putting it out there is no easy step. I fear food is my biggest weakness and I know I could lose 20 lbs. My problem is the combination of temperamental guts that behave better on refined carbs. I love good fruit and veggies, but try as I might, they often don't like me. "Maybe if I was more resistant of sodium I'd be better off," says the guy who's having A&W tonight for our once a week eat out/take out meal.

As for a vlog idea, I'd love to see a video of you making a latte. Simple, but something I'm most definitely curious about.

Jason said...

Hey, thanks Jay. It's something I've never been afraid to say in front of people (being fat, that is). It's usually people's uncomfortable reaction to my openness about it.

As for me making a latte, I would love to do that. Mind you, I don't make them as nice looking as the fine folks as Cafe Sola or Museo, but I'd do it anyway!

By the way, I'm jealous...I like A&W. One of my favorites!

Jay said...

It's the process of making a latte that I'm curious about, not just the neatness. :)

Yeah, A&W is my fav as fast food goes... though Subway is a very close second. Just that we have good sandwich fixins so the decision was for the grease.

JustonC said...

It's great that you're trying to get healthy...I know liquid calories was one of my biggest issues (as was portion size)

Recently I have been having a lot of trouble keeping away from the snacks an liquid calories now that I am no longer in a weight loss competition...the money was definitely a huge motivation for me, but I am still trying my's a huge daily struggle.

I am so happy that it's finally somewhat nice enough to start biking again...I prefer biking and walking over my treadmill anyday...somedays it's like a form of torture for me...I really can't stand it most days. I really need to buy myself a bike rack thing for my van so that I can bring it to saskatchewan,it would be great to bike around the city with you.

...and I agree with your friend Jay about the Latte the people your skills.

Lockhart said...

Good luck Jason.. I did weight watchers and it worked the best.. Didn't have to change what I ate, just taught me how to eat different just learning to think smarter about it! Good luck!

Jason said...

Thanks! I definitely will have to eventually work on snacking and portion sizes, but for now, I'm starting with liquid calories. I know it won't fix everything, but it'll help I'm sure.