Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 152

I had a pretty busy day, visiting people till well after midnight. That was good.

We purchased a BBQ this afternoon. I've been very slowly putting it together since 7pm. It's still not finished, because I've been doing things in between assembly. I'll finished it up tomorrow, test it, and hopefully have it working for a bbq tomorrow at some point. I can't wait to bbq all summer. I'm going to try to bbq things that I haven't before. The only question I have is will our new bbq fit on our balcony. I'm sure it will, but there won't be much room left. I don't really care. Apartment balconies aren't really known for their space.

I'm really excited at the idea of doing more vlogs. Thanks to those who have encouraged me through words today (and yesterday).

It's late again, and I need to go to bed. I always get a little taken aback when I start to hear the first birds chirp in the morning at about 3 am. I haven't heard them yet, so I'll race them to bed.

Well, I'll leave it at that. Thanks so much for stopping by and reading. Take care.

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