Sunday, June 05, 2011

Day 145

I started two topics, and erased them both.

I think I'm hitting a bit of a wall, or something like it. I haven't been wanting to blog, despite learning lots about different things, having lots going on in my mind, struggling with certain issues, etc.

One thing I absolutely don't want this blog to become is a venting place for myself. I don't mind venting from time to time, but it gets a bit much for myself, and for those reading. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about honesty, and not pretending everything is awesome. People who talk/blog/update like everything is perfect are fooling themselves. I don't want to do that. I guess what I'm saying is that the things I would talk about lately are a bit complainy. Also, if I ignored the things I am struggling with, I might be lying to myself and to you. This paragraph doesn't make any sense.

Essentially, I'm telling you that things aren't super great, but I can't really complain, either. I am breathing, and I have some good things going for me. I can't/won't ignore the good things I have going for me.

I will tell you that this coming week I need to take some strides in my journey to improve my life. I won't get into details, but it's something I've been struggling with all winter, and it's time to make a change, regardless of how scared I am, or how little self confidence I have. If you're a praying person, pray that I will follow through. If you aren't a praying person, whatever you do. No worries.

I'll finish it with that. Thanks so much for reading. I really appreciate it. Take care.


candra said...

we are praying for you....missed you & jenn this morning!

Dolores W said...

We'll remember you in prayer this coming week. Trust in the Lord, He has already equipped you to do what He's called you to. May you praise Him through what you're learning even when it's hard and hurts! We love you. Send us an email with more specifics to pray about if you want to. Have enjoyed your blog!! Love Dolores & Sam

Lyn said...
