Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Day 141

We made it to Edmonton tonight at about 10:30. It was fun just hanging out chatting and watching silly tv shows with my cousin-in-laws. I wish I lived in the same city as them. They are really good people.

I'm pretty tired, and my brain is a bit mushy from driving (when I finish a trip, my brain is funny everytime), so I think I'll head to bed now. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes, with the concert and all that.

Thanks for reading. Take care.


Anonymous said...

You and Jenn should stop in on your way back, would love to see you two!!! Love auntie Laurie

Meredith said...

Yeah sorry that every single show managed to have people snapping their ankles... Late night TV is even lamer (I know that's not a word, but I shall use it anyway!!) than non-late night TV.