Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 314

These are my new glasses. They will take some getting used to, because their style is so different than my old ones, and because the way the lenses are cut uses new technology and everything looks different (almost closer) because they are cut on the inside instead of the outside. I think its called free form.

I had to teach myself statistics stuff today, because the web class i am taking failed to do so. It left out vital information that would have explained a lot. It was a good feeling of acomplishment....i really like teching myself things...and by teaching myself i mean i find resources online and go from there.

I hope you are doing well these days. The comments have been quite quiet these days. Let me know how you are! Take care! Love you all.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

AWESOME specs!!! And freeform is pretty cool stuff. Glad to see you trying it out :)