Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Day 299

I ordered new glasses today. I was going to post photos of me in different frames, but decided against it, because I find that everyone has different tastes, and I get nowhere. Nothing against your taste in frames, but it's me that has to enjoy the glasses I wear. I chose a classic black plastic frame with a vintage look, by a company called SALT.. The frames i chose are called Clark, and you can see them here. I really like them, but worried that I couldn't pull that look off. Then I said, "Self, you can pull it off because you say so". Actually, I just told myself that as long as I like them, it doesn't matter what others think. I'll still probably look for compliments, because I'm insecure a little. ;)

Anyway, I'm heading to bed. Yes, as usual, it's late. It's a problem, I know. It's something that's going to be pretty difficult for me to give up...staying up late.

See you tomorrow, for day 300. I wish day 300 fell on a better day, but Tuesday will have to do. Take care, everyone! Love you!

1 comment:

Marsha said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Salt line!!! Good pick!! Can't wait to see 'em!