Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 308

I'm in class now, watching a demo of Somatic Therapy. Our teacher is actually doing a little somatic experiencing session with a student. Could be interesting.

I can't really hear from the back, because they are being quiet, but I know the student has a big fear of needles, and the teacher is getting her to park on thoughts relating to needles for periods of time. I can tell it's affecting the student. She's describing pain in her head, or numbness in her arms, etc.

Now the teacher is getting the student to focus on the last time she got a needle. I can't hear everything that is being said, which sucks, but it seems interesting. I think this is a bit like desensitization in the thought/imagination realm.

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day. I'm feeling pretty good for having no sleep last night. The coffee I'm drinking is pretty crappy, but it has caffeine in it, which is what I need at the moment.

Take care, all. Love you!

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