Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 322

This photo is from last Sunday at church, when we did a "folky" worship set. I loved it, because I love that type of music. Harmonies and acoustic instruments are very beautiful sounding to me. I have the chance to be part of two or three more music sets, which really has me excited, but nervous. I think I'll try to do them though...get my face out there as someone who enjoys and is involved in music. I am not looking for recognition and fame or anything like that. That's just silly. I just want to put my foot in the door of the music scene in the city...even if in the smallest way.

Yes, that's my Martin. I love her, and need to think of a name yet! Take care, all. Love you!

ps, Credit for the photo goes to Becky Schurman. Thanks for letting me borrow it, Becky!

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