Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 47 - Coffee

I don't pretend to know a butt load about coffee, but I'm slowly getting to know about what makes a better coffee. I also know that coffee isn't for everyone. That being said...I think if people were given a great cup of coffee (ie, not coffee from Charbucks, Nebob, Folgers, any pre-ground beans, Nestle, [some of these companies practice unethically in other areas as well), there would be many more coffee lovers out there. The problem is that it's a bit more expensive to drink good coffee, as opposed to the cheaper, 'terrible to coffee farmers' kind of coffee that most people buy from the grocery store. Anyway, I better not get too much into it, because I don't have a lot of background information stored in my tiny brain to back up my statements at this point. I would actually love to blog about that a bit more at a later time. It's all really interesting, in my humble opinion. Anyway, I would love to make you a cup someday, if you would like.

I also realize that talk of unethical companies usually spawns talk of boycott, and boycott discussions usually end up with "well, we might as well boycott everything then". That's the dilemma, I suppose. Where do you start and end? Usually it ends up with not starting. Maybe others pick a couple of huge companies and end there. I don't know.

Well, that's what I've been thinking about today (along with other things). Thanks for reading my uneducated discussion. Take care.

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