Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 42 - Sunday blues on a Monday

Today was an unusual day. We slept in a bit, made cookies, had a couple of good friends over (a nice surprise visit...something that doesn't happen enough anymore, really) and made taco salad for a late lunch. We didn't leave the house till about 4:15. We started getting cabin fever or end of holiday blues or a combination of the two. When we finally got out of the apartment, we went to pick up some new decaf espresso beans for Jenn, so she can have a latte in the morning. Speaking of beans, Saskatoon has a new roaster, and I'm really excited about it. His name is Jimmy, and he's the guy who owns/operates Museo, in the Mendel art gallery. I've been buying the same beans he buys for his espresso. Now that he's started to roast his own, I'm really excited to start buying locally. Broadway Roastery beans just doesn't cut it. Might not be the most exciting news if you don't drink coffee, or if you're not a coffee/espresso geek like I am. Since I'm on the topic, let me use this moment to say that Starbucks isn't THE place to get a coffee drink. I call it Charbucks for a reason.

Anyway, Jenn starts at her new location tomorrow. It's the same job (same union, same boss, same coworkers) but at a different hospital. In the long run, we think it'll be a great move. It's just a lot of change at the same time. People off on disability, people on holiday, and the obvious recent developments in our life, will make for an interesting first week at work. I know she can do it, though. She always has.

Well, that's about it, I suppose. Thanks for reading. Take care.

1 comment:

Jay said...

I've been becoming a coffee guy, lately. There's an exhibit I want to see at the Mendel and a coffee there might bring me into a higher level of coffee... maybe I should be taking you, Jason. Get a serving suggestion, look at some photos, talk shop.

Because Starbucks has been very meh lately. Except for over sweetened beverages when I'm craving that. Have you tried Cafe Moka in Briarwood?