Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 336

Hey, an actual on-time blog today!

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I'm going to talk about it again. Remember when I was talking about having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit? Well, I was listening to a friend talk the other day, and she said something that was actually quite freeing. I don't remember the exact wording, but the gist was that there was pressure to be a certain way at Christmas, to get into a 'sprit' of sorts (probably the same spirit I was talking about). She basically said we didn't need to get into a spirit, and that this season is what it is. If you're sad for the season, you're sad. If you're happy, you're happy (this is a very loose, and interpreted paraphrase of sorts...the message I got out of it). Essentially, for me, it was freeing because now I don't feel pressure to get into the Christmas spirit, because whatever spirit I am in happens to be the Christmas spirit.

That being said, Christmas has been getting progressively more difficult for me over the last few years. I don't know if it's because of age, depression, memories of fights while decorating the tree, now missing my grandmother, expectations of the season being beat up with reality, or whatever. Still, the season is special to me, because of the hopeful nature of it. Whether that means hope in the goodness of men and women, or hope that Christ gives us, or hope for a new start with friends or family that you've been temporarily or permanently estranged with, or hope of any kind. Maybe you think it's silly. Whatever. I think it's your loss if you don't have a hope in anything. It's what keeps me going. I think it's what keeps us all going in some way. Am I wrong? Whether it's religious hope or not, there's usually a hope of some kind in peoples lives, right?

I'm probably not making much sense today. I hope you can enjoy some or all of this season. Take care. Love you all.


Thoughts From Me said...

I was having trouble getting into the "spirit" of things and I though I agree with your friend I try to at least get myself in a happier mood because then the season is less stressful on me. I am missing my Aunt something fierce as I am sure you are missing your Grandma (and I miss Grandma too) It changes things but they gave us so much love I know they would want us to be happy. I was feeling really grinchy but on Monday it was like a calm came over me. A sense of things being as they should and that things are going to be alright. I go through long periods without this feeling and then all of sudden a calm seems to settle. I don't really understand it but that is how it feels. Does that ever happen to you? Anyway Monday this happened to me and maybe it is even just a calm at accepting what will be will be but I feel like I am ready for our annual get together this weekend (even though no baking has been done lol) and I am ready for you all to be here :)

Jason said...

Yeah I do that that from time to time. I've been feeling better and seeing things a bit clearer about the season since my friend said what she said. People's deaths are always amplified during this time of year, but there is also something that can be peaceful or calming about it, if we let it, and don't give in to the stressful stuff. Anyway, I'm really glad you're feeling better about that stuff. Looking very much forward to seeing you guys.

Lyn said...

I am finding peace and hope (and freedom from the pressures of "feeling the christmas spirit" or "being in the mood") by trying to draw close to Jesus and seek out His big-picture story and heart for us as shown through this season. Oh come, Emmanuel, and ransom all of us who are captive and mourn in our exile.