Friday, December 02, 2011

Day 324

A "shout-out" to my boss, who doesn't read this, but I'll do it anyway, who worked around the schedule so I could have Saturday afternoon, and all day Sunday off for studying. I'm pretty sure he is working Sunday instead of me. What a guy. He said I've covered for people lots, so I'm due for the favour to be returned. Anyway, that's it about that.

I've been studying yesterday and today, and it never seems to go as well as I plan. I study, but the process is much slower than I would like it to be. Is that how it is with you, or are you a person who can study massive amounts of material in shorter periods of time?

Tonight is our first (and probably only) Christmas party. Sad that there's only going to be one, but it's probably for the best, considering I can't eat anything at them anyway. One of the hosts of tonight's party excitedly told me last night that they have 10 lbs of carrots for me to eat. While I'm am very grateful for the effort, you can probably understand the difficulty I am having being excited to gorge on carrots at a Christmas party while everyone else is eating enough food to feed a small, yet chubby village. I am not complaining about carrots, mind you. I am simply saying that this Christmas season is going to be difficult, as it's my first with diabetes. It will be a good exercise in self-control, if nothing else. I used to say "Christmas comes once a year, so I'll allow myself to eat poorly." Now I'll have to say, "I need to eat well all the time, regardless of what time of year it is."

My body is important to me, and I don't want to treat it like a garbage disposal anymore. Actually, I'll say that I can't treat it like a garbage disposal anymore. If I didn't have diabetes, I probably still would be...especially during this time of year.

On that note, enjoy the time of year. Hopefully you can eat well. I am going to stuff my face with carrots, at least.


Angie said...

I think my study methods really depended on the material being studied. I was pretty bad at studying if there were any distractions. I would often go to the U of S library and go sit up on the 5th or 6th floor at the cubicles around the perimeter and study. Of course I didn't have a cell phone and there was no wifi back then.

And I had a good chuckle about your chubby village :)

Jay said...

Mmmmm, carrots.

Yeah, I'm so disappointingly easily distracted by that stupid Facebook. Zombie Lane to be honest. That is where the opportunity for digression occurs most. I had better results by simply closing my browser and only leaving Lightroom open. That's the distraction part of it.

For me, studying needs to be done in digestible amounts including opportunity to practice or apply what I just learned, if applicable. Too much at one time and I am lucky to retain what I do retain accurately without mixing up what I've read.

Hehehe. Chubby village.