Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 332 AND 333

Sorry, I know, it's probably cheating. It's been a strange day or two, and we ended up having a "camp out" on the air mattress last night in the living room, and I fell asleep before I blogged. We ran around the city with my parents so they could do some Christmas shopping. It was good to see them, but I'm really looking forward to the actual Christmas break, and the drive out to Alberta to see my brother and his family. I am hoping that the roads are good and that the weather doesn't ruin our travel plans. That's the biggest thing about the winter that I don't like...ruined travel plans. Other than that, I can deal with it. We went to Fuddruckers for supper. I was craving fries, so I got a salad with some chicken in it and a basket of fries to share with Jenn. Not the best for me, but it was a tasty treat.

Today has been an interesting day so far. I played at church this morning. It was a quieter morning, with fewer people coming to church. Only Jenn and I played, which is always good. She is such a talented pianist, and can harmonize quite well too. It seems like such a waste of talent and time that we haven't written songs together or just played together more.

Have a good night, everyone. Talk to you tomorrow!

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