Saturday, December 03, 2011

Day 325

I am going to make this one short.

Today I worked the morning, in hopes that I could study all afternoon. Well, fat chance. I didn't really study at all. I'm at the coffee shop with my wife at the moment, trying to get some studying finished while she works on the power point for church tomorrow. That I got any studying at all done tonight is better than nothing, I suppose.

I have one final on Tuesday, and one on Wednesday. After those, I have one the next week, and I have lots to do on that class before the final comes. I will be very glad when the semester is over...not because it was so tough. If I was more focused this semester, it would have been much nicer. No one's fault by mine.

There are some big changes over the next month. We are moving to a different apartment unit, in the same building. It's actually just down the hallway, in my in-laws apartment. They bought a house, and so we will take the two bedroom place. We're excited to paint a baby room, and to have more storage space, and a different lay-out. There have been some frustrating things come up, with people questioning our decisions and plans, etc, but I am dealing with that.

That's it for now. Take care, everyone. Thanks for stopping by.

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