Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 102

I haven't been on facebook since the beginning of lent. I haven't missed it all that much, but for the skewed sense of community that it gave me. I'll probably use it come Sunday, but hopefully not as much. We'll see how that goes. I've really enjoyed blogging and using twitter. I sign on to msn from time to time, but almost nobody uses that anymore. Too bad. Some good memories chatting with friends on msn. I wonder what will take over facebook in the future. I think we'd be ignorant to think facebook will be around forever. Whatever it will replace fb, it will a stronger force that will keep us glued to our chairs longer, and will make us less satisfied with our lives more than facebook already does.. Do you disagree?

I had a good talk with someone close to me tonight about mental illness, and the stigma attached to it. I've tried to be honest about my struggle with depression this winter (and on and off throughout my life), but it has been at times a temptation to hide it, or to not talk about it. That being said, I am becoming a strong believer in opening up (if possible), being honest, and not being embarrassed. That's hard though, because people often think depression can be fixed by "bucking up", or sleeping more, or getting outside, etc. Those things might make it a little less painful, but they are by no means a cure for the crippling issue of depression and/or anxiety. Besides, the people who wave it off like it's a silly thing are usually those who haven't suffered from it, or are maybe a bit emotionally stunted. Not all, of course, are like that. Many people want to understand, or are at least patient. Anyway, I didn't want to get too much into it right now. I'll talk about it later most likely.

I think I figured out how to let anybody comment without having a good account. So, if you'd like to say something, please be my guest. You're comments are welcome, but please be respectful of others. :) Thanks so much for reading. Take care.


Jay said...

I'm ignorant about mental illness. Any struggles I've had in life were solved by sucking it up, finding a solution or prayer. I'm not proud of the order the items in that list were given.

Talking about it would give me a much better understanding and maybe help me understand what I fear is becoming a growing irrational anxiety in me. I do find that for me repetition heals that anxiety, though many of the known causes are incurable for me short of a repaired spinal cord. But, often the more I do it the less stressful it is next time. Like a dog nervous about car rides...

As for FB, you've nailed it, my friend.

Angie said...

I think what makes depression what it is, is the fact that it's not necessarily connected to a specific circumstance or feeling (though it can be, ie. depression following the loss of a loved one). So it is tough to 'suck it up' or get out and get some fresh air to make it better, because it can be caused by in imbalance of chemicals in the brain.

In my experiences with anxiety/depression a combination of medication and removing myself from a stressful situation has allowed me to feel quite good for a number of years. I also applaud you for seeking counselling. I think that it can be an invaluable asset to helping you understand why you feel a certain way. But I think it can be tough to admit that you need help from someone else.

Unknown said...

I've struggled with this a lot in my life and appreciate your honesty. Perhaps that was always the connection. BG

Jason said...

Thanks, Jay and Angie for your comments. I'm on a mix of meds and counseling (at the moment...counseling won't be for much longer, but I think I've been given some good tools). Angie, I'm glad you've worked stuff out, and have been doing better. Jay, if you ever just need a guy to chat about it, without fear of judgment, I can be free for a coffee or to come over anytime.

Brian, thanks for commenting. I hope this blog can lift you up, or at least be a place where you can come and not feel alone in the battle.