Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 106

I want to get to bed at a decent time tonight, so here I go.

I've been drooling over camera lenses as of late. I don't know why, as it will be a long time till I'm able to afford one. They are expensive suckers.

I had another counseling session today. It was okay. We talked more about positive self talk. I told him it felt hokey talking to myself in a mirror. He said, "it doesn't feel hokey when we use negative self talk". Touche', mr. counselor. Touche'. Seriously though...I've used negative self talk for so long that anything positive told to me, or that I tell myself, feels strange, foreign. I will continue to practice positive self talk.

We also talked about eating elephants. Well, systematic desensitization, to be more accurate. Eating an elephant one bite at a time, so to speak. Basically, doing things one small step at a time, until it's finished. Completing small projects, celebrating when they are finished, and continuing on. I won't really bore you with my projects right now, but I have a few.

Well, I suppose I'll leave it at that. Thanks for stopping by. Take care.

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