Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 108

Today was a bit of an off day, but it's probably because I decided to make bread starting at midnight, and didn't get to bed till around 3:30 (got up at around 7am). It shouldn't be a surprise that when I get so little sleep, I'm more susceptible to having sad moments, or feeling down (or just being plain grumpy). I still did pretty good in the positive self talk dept, so that's good.

Getting up to watch the royal wedding in the morning, bright and early. My wife likes the royalty stuff, and so do I, sort of. My grandma-in-law is in the city, so we're going over there at about 4am to watch it. I know a lot of people don't really agree with it, and say it's a waste of tax payers money. It's a valid argument, and I won't fight anyone who doesn't agree with the monarch. I just see it as a huge part of our history, and the fact that it's still around is kind of neat. It won't be around forever, so I'm just enjoying it while it is here.

Well, I had a few things flopping around in my head this afternoon, but forgot most of it. Hopefully it comes back for tomorrow. Thanks again for reading. Take care.

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