Tuesday, November 09, 2010


My grandma is dying. We don't know when it will happen, or how, exactly, but her body has started its process. Grandma is in the hospital right now, with her kids and husband by her side.

I haven't experienced a close death in the family in quite some time. Death is such a strange concept. As a person that spends most of his time in a Christian community, I have too much discussion about not being afraid of death...about being excited to meet Jesus...all that. Regardless, I am starting to view death as a disconcerting unknown. I'm not sure if it's a fear, or a somber respect - all I know is that I don't get campy about it. People die. In the process, they are terrified; They get their stuff together if they are lucky enough to have the time; They fight and cry with their loved ones (if they are lucky enough to have loved ones); They despair; They wonder about eternity.

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