Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 133

We're back home now and tomorrow things start to go back to "normal". I love seeing friends and family, but usually I go through a post visiting low. I haven't really experienced that yet, but I think it's because my brother's family is staying in the city tonight with us. Tomorrow afternoon after they've left might be a different story. We'll see. I don't get to see them enough. Thankfully they're coming back later this summer.

I like hearing about other people's summer plans, even if it's just to stick around and tend garden or enjoy the local scene. I'm not sure if our plans will work out or not, but we're thinking of heading out to B.C. at some point, to visit some friends and for a family reunion. Do you have plans?

Yeah so it was a good weekend over all. I get a bit sick just thinking about those youth getting plastered and putting their lives in danger. It seems like every year we're hearing about a death or two after the May long weekend. Senseless, really. Hopefully nobody got hurt this weekend.

I think I'll leave it at that for now. Thanks so much for reading again. I have really appreciated people telling me that they read everyday, or stop by once and a while to see what's up, or whatever. It encourages me to know people enjoy what I do here for the most part. I know it's not always the most interesting read, but it's really something I enjoy, and would like to spend more time on. Too bad it can't be a part time job! :)

Ok, I'm out. Take care, everyone.


Thoughts From Me said...

I often feel a bit down when company leaves and often I feel down when I am the company that is leaving. Guess no matter who is coming or going if I care about them it always kind of sucks when we have to be apart. I said to Juston on the way home today that it would sure be nice if there were some easier way to live closer to all the people you like. Thanks for having us and it was so nice to visit with everyone this weekend. Just over 5 weeks till our next visit :)

Jason said...

I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again already! I haven't been too bad yet for post visiting blues, so that's good.