Sunday, May 08, 2011

Day 117 - My mother

Diana is my mother.

D - Dedicated mother
I - Incredibly loving of those dear to her
A - Always willing to talk
N - Near to my heart
A - Accepting of my life path

It has been a long time since I've done one of those. Takes me back to grade school.

Mothers have the hardest job on earth, in my opinion...starting from the conception of their first child. The worry, guilt, discomfort and pain that an expectant mother experiences is something I will never fully understand.

After the baby is born, they have to give up their bodies to the baby. Waking up hour after hour, feeding, changing, rocking, feeding, changing, rocking. It's endless.

From toddlerhood to the awkward 8 year old stage, kids are constantly sick. Most mothers are charged with the task of cleaning up puke, making sure a sleep walking child makes it back to their bed, bringing cool facecloths to a feverish little one, and a slew full of other dirty, stomach taxing things.  Not to mention dealing with the constant tantrums, arguing, disrespectful behaviour, etc. These things would test my patience in a minute.

The teenage years can be terrible to mothers. Making fun of them,  giving constant attitude, experimenting with different lifestyles, staying out late without calling, dating, anger, always doing the opposite, etc.

It goes on. Mothers aren't treated that well, if you think about it. Mothers have the hardest job in the world.

And then there's mothers day.

Don't get me wrong. I think mothers day is a great thing. It's a good day for appreciating mothers, calling mothers to tell them you love and appreciate them. I can imagine mothers loved being called on mothers day, being told nice things from their children, and maybe getting a card from time to time. I'm terrible at giving cards to people.

The thing I don't like about mothers day, is that it gives children an out. It's like they can dump their guilt about not appreciating their mother enough on that one day of the year. "If I call my mom on mothers day, send her a card, buy her a gift, it will make up for this past year of living my life in ignorance of how bloody hard she worked to raise me, love me (despite me being a jerk), keep my family together during the hard years, and a ton of other ulcer inducing tasks."

It just simply doesn't cut it, in my books. You need to call that woman on a regular basis throughout the year and tell her you love her. If I had to guess, that's what a mother from her children. A mother wants peace for her children. A mother wants happiness for her children. A mother wants to see her children and hear from her children from time to time. A mother wants love from her children.

I don't want to put more pressure on my mother, or on any other mother, to be something they aren't. I know that nobody is perfect. It's not fair to say that mothers are perfect, or that they do everything right, make all the right choices, etc. Nobody can be that person, and that's totally okay. All I'm saying is that my mother, and I'm sure yours too (I hope, although I also know that not everyone's experience of their mother is great), is one of the most caring, hard working, loving, special women I know.

I love you mom. I look up to you, respect you, cherish you, and appreciate you, everyday of the year. Not just mothers day. I know that mothers day this year will be difficult for you, as your mom is now gone, but if it's any consolation, you have us, your family. You are as special to me as your mother was to you. I will never take for granted your time here with us. I hope and pray for many many many more happy years to come.

I love you, mom.


Jay said...

All so true and so well said.

JustonC said...

Well said Jason.

Laurie said...

Very well said and very true!!!! You are very blessed to have Diana as a mother and I'm very blessed to have her as a sister. And now I to will look to her as a mother figure!!! Love you Diana and happy mothers day!!