Sunday, May 01, 2011

Day 111

I try not to get too political on this blog, and I hope to continue that trend for the most part. I feel the need to share a sentence or two about this new Bin Laden thing in the news, even if just to make myself feel better about it.

I'm a little disturbed by the whole thing. I'm disturbed how one man's death, almost a decade of warring, and many many innocent families killed makes people feel better about 9-11. It shouldn't. It's the completely wrong idea of justice. It's not justice. I don't think we have any idea what justice is.

That's just my opinion, mind you. Take it or leave it.

Well, I just ruined the fun, didn't I? Sorry. You're allowed to disagree with me if you want.

I guess I'll just leave it at that. Anything else would just seem awkward. I'll get back at you tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by. Take care.


JustonC said...

I completely agree... I have a feeling people will think that his death means the end of terrorism...I hope people aren't that naive.

Kimbal said...

I don't understand how the same people watched in disgust and outrage at people in the middle east cheering and dancing at the falling of the twin towers can do the same thing at the death of Osama. Just goes to show how little we have actually changed as a society since WW2.