Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 302

I'll start by reminding you that I have another blog, basically that links my misterdiabetic vlogs. I do share some thoughts from time to time though, so check it out if you feel like it. I think what I'm finding is that my misterdiabetic videos aren't getting as many hits because they are regarding health and making better choices about food and exercise, etc, and people who aren't really watching that stuff don't feel like being preached to about it. Hey, I've been there. Up until I found out I had diabetes, I didn't want to hear someone tell me what to do. Well, telling people what to do is not the point. It's all about my journey...MY journey. My intention isn't to make people feel bad about themselves. I just want accountability and encouragement, which I've been getting, and it has helped me to keep going, which has been great. I also want to encourage people in their own journey toward health, if they choose to go that direction. Anyway, this isn't that blog, so I won't get into that much here. Check it out, if you would like! It's Enjoy!

Another interesting bit of news...I'm going to learn harmonica. Ha! I purchased a "C" harmonica this afternoon, and I want to learn how to play decently. I don't know where I can use it, other than sitting on the street against a brick wall in an alley, playing the blues. Actually, I just want to be Bob Dylan, with my guitar and harmonica. :) I'll let you know how that progresses. I might even post a video. Actually, I might not do a video of me playing harmonica, but I might post one of me playing guitar and singing, if I'm feeling brave enough.

That's it for now. Take care, all. Love you!

I'll leave you with this video of Stevie Wonder, singing, and playing harmonica. :) 

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