Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 291, 292

I really need to stop trying to blog late at night. It just doesn't work, especially when I had a short sleep the night before.

Yesterday was an okay day. I played my electric guitar for the first time in a while, and it was nice. I play an electric so seldom, that I'm not sure how to play it unlike an acoustic. They are much different to play, though. I consider myself very lucky to have two such beautiful guitars.

Today, again because of a short sleep last night,  I was super tired. I had a nap on the couch, but it was too long, so my morning wasted. I haven't done that in a long time. I had high hopes for today, but I won't beat myself up too much. I have to do an interview with a sexual health educator for one of my classes, this afternoon. The only think I'm worried about is the battery dying on my camera (I'm charging it now, but I'm not sure how long the charge holds). I think it takes any double a's though, so I might go pick up a small pack of those.

Anyway, tonight I think my wife and I will go on a little coffee date or something. With me working weekends and Jenn working during the week, we hardly spend a day together. We'll obviously spend time together, but not longer periods of time. We miss it. :)

I hope you're doing well these days. Take care.

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