Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 49 - Dam Angels

This photo is untouched, and in jpeg. I have a raw photo, but this was quicker to post on the blog.

At the Hoover Dam they have a monument of two angels sitting about 15 feet or so away from each other, with their wings very tall, extended upward. It's a monument dedicated to all those who dreamed up, and worked on the Hoover Dam, making the huge idea into a reality. Anyway, it's supposed to be good luck to touch the feet of either of these angels. Their feet were shiny copper, while the rest of the their bodies tarnished green, just like the statue of liberty. I caught one of the tourists reaching out for a good luck foot rub.

Probably not the type of photo you'd expect from a trip to Vegas. :)

Thanks for reading. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Why does the foot have 6 toes?

Jason said...

It is actually the big toe of the right foot that you are seeing. It is the angle that makes it difficult to see the other foot. :-)